Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Best Hair Styles for Your Face Shape

Whether it’s a regular day at the office or a special event, you want your hair to look its best at all times. Once it starts getting too long, you find yourself just throwing it into a ponytail, putting a strain on your hairline and your face. Your hairstyle should complement your face shape, rather than putting a strain on your delicate features. Instead of grabbing the closest hair tie, try changing your haircut to give a flattering look for your face shape and personality.

Round and Short

The widest part of a round face is the cheekbones, so you want a hairstyle that shows off the natural balance of your face. The main goal is to add height, and not width. Choose a hairstyle with a little more fullness towards the top of your head. This face shape should shy away from classic bangs, but you can still enjoy the playfulness of bangs by creating a shorter layer near the cheekbones that can be swept to the side.


A heart-shaped face is similar to a triangle, with your face starting wide and narrowing at the bottom. Use a textured, chin-length haircut to draw attention to your rosy cheeks. If you want to go a little longer with your hair, make sure you can compensate for the length with a little extra volume on top.


If you have a square face, the sides of your face are straight, rather than angled like the heart shape. To soften the harshness of your angled jawline, try a hairstyle that lets wisps of hair fall naturally along your cheeks. Short and medium hairstyle are your friend, especially if the haircut allows your hair to wispily fall above your shoulders. Use a side part, rather than a middle part that can create an unfavorable symmetry among your face and hair.

Drawing the Right Attention

Regardless of your face shape, your haircut should do two things – enhance your flattering features and downplay your less-flattering features. By knowing which parts of your face grab the most attention, you can center your haircut around showing those parts off. Choose a hairstylist who can help you accentuate your features; it may help to bring pictures of the haircut you want to give your stylist a clear idea of the outcome you desire. Use the tips above to help you come out of any of the hair salons in Jacksonville, FL with a new lease on life.